A person's a person, no matter how small.  ~Dr. Seuss

To get to know each other, we will be creating a poster by writing an I am poem and playing the name game.  Click on the attachments below to find out what goes on your poster.  Much of these activities are interview based to help you learn the skills to get to know another person.

On this poster, make sure to include your hands.  You may use multicultural markers or outline your hands and create a unique design that is a reflection of you.  Don't forget to choose a picture of yourself that is a good reflection of you as well.

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Time Capsule Project

Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Veldman will be coming back to haunt you towards the end of your senior year to deliver your time capsule project!

The time capsule project is a comprehensive narrative piece that is a reflection of who you are now as an 8th grader.  The audience for this piece will be directed towards the Senior version of your future self about to graduate and move on with your life.

We will be doing this project in parts.  Currently, we have the Me, Now section completed.  Start thinking about what things you would like to include in your envelope.

Career Project

To prepare for Career Day and planning their High School course schedule, 8th grade students will research a career of their choice.  Much reflection goes into this project prior to selecting a career.

These sites have quizzes for you to take as you choose a career to research.
  1. *Bridges–We’ll all go here to take an interest quiz, but definitely go back here first to find basic info on the job you chose to research: mi.cx.bridges.com
  2. *Mr. Breitsprecher’s Career Exploration–In addition to many links, this page has a multiple intelligences quiz that allows you to figure out what type of intelligences are your strengths: http://www.breitlinks.com/careers/#YourStyle
  3. *Reality Check–Site created for Texas students that helps you to figure out the kind of income you will need for the lifestyle you wish to have: http://www.cdr.state.tx.us/RealityCheck/
  4. Career Ship–Site like Bridges for career exploration; click “search careers by cluster,” then find the title of your career on the list: http://www.mappingyourfuture.biz/planyourcareer/careership/  And here is the same site in Spanish: http://www.mappingyourfuture.biz/planyourcareer/spanishCareership/
  5. College Board Career Browser–Lots of careers here that require a college education: http://www.collegeboard.com/csearch/majors_careers/profiles/
  6. Career Explorer–Fewer careers here, but several that don’t require 4 year degrees are included: http://careerexplorer.net/descriptions.asp
  7. Occupational Outlook Handbook–Every career under the sun is here, and the data is the most updated you’ll find anywhere: http://www.bls.gov/oco/ (If the link does not work, try typing the address in the URL manually.)
  8. CareerOneStop–A metasearch engine that searchs the web all at once for pages from different sites with information about your career.  Type your career keywords in the Keyword Search box: http://www.acinet.org/crl/library.aspx
  9. Michigan Jobs and Career Portal–Though this site isn’t as fancy as some of the others, it does have information that is more specific to Michigan: http://www.michigan.gov/careers/0,1607,7-170-46398-167501–,00.html
  10. Today’s Military–Go here only if you are looking at a military career: http://www.todaysmilitary.com/careers
  11. What Do You Like?–Just a few careers are listed here, but they are quite well done and easy to understand:  http://www.bls.gov/k12/
  12. Career Development Program of the Center for Arts Education–Though you’ll need to join the site (it’s free), this is a good resource if you are interested in any arts-related career (music, visual arts, theater, dance, film, etc.): http://www.myartscareer.org/#
  13. For your bibliography–Calvin College Knight Site: http://webapps.calvin.edu/knightcite/index.php (Citation Creator-copy and paste each citation to a Word doc)

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